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Merge/transfer work addresses

Learn how to merge or transfer work addresses to ensuring accurate customer records while preserving historical job and invoice data.

Updated over a week ago

Merging and transferring work addresses help maintain accurate customer records when properties change ownership or need consolidation. Merging combines two work addresses into one, transferring all associated data, while transferring moves a work address from one customer to another while preserving historical records.

These actions are irreversible, so review the details carefully before proceeding.

Merge work addresses

➡️ Navigate to the work address you want to merge > Edit work address > Advanced options > Merge work address

  1. Start typing and select the work address you want to merge into.

  2. Review the details of both addresses:

    • The current work address (source) will be deleted.

    • The destination work address will retain all transferred records.

  3. Click Merge to finalise the action.

Merging cannot be attempted while another merge process is already in progress.

  • All jobs, estimates, opportunities, appliances, assets, files, contracts, service reminders, custom fields, and communications are transferred to the destination work address.

  • Any external invoice address linked to the source work address will be copied to the destination work address without duplication.

  • Technical references and custom fields will transfer only if they are empty in the destination address.

  • If the source work address is also an invoice address and has financial transactions, it will be added as an additional invoice address to the destination work address.

  • A work address cannot be merged if it is currently or was previously associated with any contracts. However, merging is allowed if the destination work address has contracts.

  • Contacts from the source work address will be merged into the destination work address, but they will be saved as normal contacts, not primary contacts.

  • If the source work address has notes in the Communications tab marked as "Do not work with again," this restriction will carry over to the destination work address after merging, preventing further activities from being recorded for it.

Transfer work address

➡️ Navigate to the work address you want to merge > Edit work address > Advanced options > Transfer work address

  1. Start typing and select the new customer from the dropdown list.

  2. Choose a contact to assign service reminders to from the existing contacts of the new customer.

  3. Click Move to finalise the action.

  • Past jobs, estimates, and invoices remain with the original customer to maintain historical records.

  • Any new jobs, estimates, or invoices created after the transfer will belong to the new customer.

  • Service reminders will need to be reassigned to an existing contact under the new customer.

  • A work address cannot be transferred if it has open jobs, estimates, or opportunities.

  • A work address cannot be transferred if it is linked to an active contract in any of the following statuses: draft, active, renewed (pending start date), customer renewal required, pending renewal failed, or pending mandate confirmation.

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