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Stock locations
Updated over 3 months ago

A system for managing the physical location of inventory within a warehouse or stock compound. This ensures seamless traceability of parts as they transition in and out of the warehouse and other locations, including engineers' vans.

View Setting

➡️ Profile Icon > Settings > Parts and stock > Stock locations > View

Add a Stock Location

➡️ Add a stock location

  1. Enter the required name

  2. Save

When naming stock locations intended for engineers' vans, it's suggested to use the engineer's name followed by the license plate of their van.

Assign a Stock Location

Once you have created your stock locations, you then need to assign them to your users.

➡️ Profile icon > Settings > Users > View

  1. View the user

  2. Edit

  3. Business details

  4. Select the stock location for the user

  5. Save

Assigning your primary stock location to a user is not recommended.

Engineers can only be assigned to a single stock location at a time.

Edit a Stock Location

➡️ Edit

  1. Change the stock location's name

  2. Save

Deleting a Stock Location

➡️ Delete

  1. Type delete

  2. Delete

You cannot delete a used stock location.

Archiving a Stock Location

To archive a stock location, there must be no available stock and the "Current stock" should show "no records found."

➡️ Archive

  1. Type "archive"

  2. Archive

If there is an open purchase order against the stock location, you must specify a replacement stock location.

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