This setting allows you to prompt customers for a signature to confirm when an engineer has arrived at their property. This confirmation helps establish a clear timeline and adds an accountability checkpoint, which is valuable for maintaining transparency and strong customer relationships.
View Setting
➡️ Navigate to your Profile Icon > Settings > Jobs> Job arrive signature settings > View
Setup Job arrive signature
➡️ Do you want to set up job arrival signature message?
Choose Signature Option:
No, I do not want to set up Job arrive signature
Yes, I want to set up the Job arrive signature
If Yes is selected, a text field will appear. Type a message for the customer explaining the purpose of their signature, such as confirmation of the engineer’s arrival.
Click Save.
If the workflow settings are assigned to a job description, the Job arrive signature will automatically be prompted each time an engineer arrives at a job site. Ensure that the signature message clearly communicates the confirmation purpose.