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Reporting dashboard
Updated over 5 months ago

The reporting dashboard provides widgets showing “at a glance” visual reports in the format of graphs and charts over a 6 month period for the most common and useful reports used.

How to add/remove and view your reporting widgets:

To access the dashboard, click the 'Reporting' tab at the top of the screen.


To add (or remove) your dashboard widgets click 'Quick links' and then select 'Add/remove dashboard widgets'.


This will now open up the customisation window, which will allow you to select or unselect the widgets you would like to show up on your reporting dashboard. Tick or untick the reports as necessary and click save to close the window.

*Please note, you can scroll down in this window for more widgets, however, if the user does not have access to run a specific report, it will not show up here either.


Your chosen reporting widgets will now be displayed on the reporting dashboard as below.


You can arrange which order they display in simply by dragging the individual widgets around to suit your personal needs and/or preferences.

To remove any widgets, click the 'Quick links' and select the 'Add / remove dashboard widgets' and remove the tick(s) from the un-needed widgets, then click the 'save' button to exit.

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