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Adding parts to a job
Updated over 5 months ago

Purpose: Parts are almost a requirement in any field that Commusoft utilizes. This guide will help you understand how adding parts to a job works, viewing parts on the job, as well as setting the sale price, the VAT, and markup.

Related guides:

Adding new parts to a job

1. If you want to add a part that has yet to be added to your system, you can do so by going into the 'Parts' tab within a job that has been created and tapping 'Add new part'. From there, you'll click 'Add new part' and a side module will appear where you can add information for the part.


2. This module has a variety of different indicators you will need to enter for the part in the system, a key to these indicators is below, as follows:

Industry - This indicates the specific type of work the part is related to

Category - This indicates the type of category you've created in your system already to organize the part to

Manufacturers part number - Indicates the manufacturer's internal item identifier to be used for reference

Default install time - The average amount of time it takes to install the part

Cost - The cost of the part without markup added

Markup - The percentage amount used for your company to charge on the part

VAT - A specific (input by the user) type of tax to be used in final calculation of the part

Selecting parts to a job that are already in the system

1. You can add parts to a job by going into the 'Parts' tab within a job that has been created. From there, you'll click 'Add new part' and be taken to a page where you can select parts via a dropdown menu. If you select a part from existing parts within your system, you will then be directed to add the quantity, unit cost, markup, and VAT.

2. If need be, you may view the suppliers price list for the item by tapping the 'View supplier price list' near the 'Unit cost' field.


Adding parts to a job via part kits

1. You can add part kits to a job by going into a job > Parts > 'Add new part kit'. This will bring up a side module allowing you to select part kits you have already created in system settings > part kit name. Below is an example of a test part kit being selected with the parts inside the kit inventoried.


2. With these parts added from a part kit, you now have the ability to tap the '+' button and fulfill the part, change the part status, delete or edit the part, and view the part, which gives the quantity, manufacturer part number, prices, vat, and markup. Once you add parts initially, it's status will change. You may filter parts by their status by clicking on each specific status available in the module.
A key to statuses is below, as follows:

Requested - The part has been requested but has yet to be marked as available or on order by the system

On order - The part has been marked as ordered but has yet to be marked as available for the system

Available - The part is available on the system, but has not been marked as picked up to be used for work yet.

Picked up - The part has been picked up but has yet to be marked as installed by the system

Installed - The part has been installed on a job and has not been canceled or returned

Canceled - The part was marked as available or picked up, and was not returned but was not needed on the job after initial marking.

Returned - The part was installed but was returned due to a variety of reasons.

Adding parts to a job via purchase orders

1. You can add parts to a job via purchase order by going into a job > 'Costs' tab > 'Add new purchase order'. First, you will select the supplier via the 'Supplier' dropdown and using the search function, then you can add parts by going into the 'Parts' area and using the dropdown to search for parts already added to your system. Then select 'Delivery method' and choose in the dropdown. From here, you can add and create the purchase order to the job.

2. Once the purchase order is added to the job, the part has been added, and can be changed by using the instructions above to fulfill it, mark as available, etc.

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