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All CollectionsJob Management (JMS)Contracts Management
Contracts: Communication template examples
Contracts: Communication template examples

A selection of text for the base templates to use with the Contracts feature.

Updated this week

Our contract communication templates help you send essential notifications to clients regarding contract activation, renewal, service reminders, and payment mandates. These templates are customizable for your business needs and use tags (bracketed placeholders) to personalize information we have provided some suggested content below to get you started.

Using Tags

  • Open the tag list with the [ key and start typing to filter available tags.

  • Do not copy/paste tags from this guide directly into your templates; instead, insert them using the tag list.

  • Remove the example text inside brackets after pasting into your template body.

Email Templates

Contract Activation

Subject: [contract_contact], Your Contract is Now Active

Dear [contract_contact],

We are delighted to inform you that your [contract_name] contract with [client_name] is now active as of [contract_startdate]. Your comfort and safety are our top priorities, and we are committed to providing the highest quality service throughout your contract term.

Contract Details:

  • Contract Name: [contract_name]

  • Start Date: [contract_startdate]

  • End Date: [contract_enddate]

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [client_telephone] or [client_email].

Contract Renewal

Subject: Time to Renew: Continue Your Peace of Mind with [client_name]

Dear [contract_contact],

We hope this message finds you well. Your contract is approaching its renewal date on [contract_enddate].

Renewing ensures continued service without interruption. To renew, simply contact us at [client_email] or [client_telephone].

We appreciate your trust in [client_name] and look forward to serving you another year!

GoCardless Mandate Activation

Subject: Action Required: Activate Your Mandate to Finalise Your Contract

Dear [customer_name],

Thank you for choosing [client_name]. To finalize your contract for [contract_name], please activate your mandate for automatic payments.

[mandate_customer_approval:Click here to activate your mandate!]

Without an active mandate, we cannot finalize your contract. Please activate within 7 days to avoid delays.

Need help? Contact us at [client_telephone] or [client_email].

Service Reminder - Single Property

Subject: [service_contact], Your [service_reminder_name] is now due!

Hello [service_contact],

It has been almost a year since [client_name] last serviced your appliance at [customer_address_line_1], [customer_postcode].

Your system is due for service on [service_due_date]. Regular servicing ensures efficiency and warranty compliance.

Call [client_telephone] to book today!

Service Reminder - Multiple Properties

Subject: [contract_contact], You have properties due for service this month

Dear [contract_contact],

The following properties require servicing under the [contract_name] plan:


Please contact us at [client_telephone] or [client_email] to arrange these services.

SMS Templates

Contract Activation

Your [contract_name] contract is now active, welcome aboard! Call us at [client_telephone] with any questions.
Thanks, [client_name] Team

Contract Renewal

Just a heads-up—your [contract_name] contract ends on [contract_enddate]. We'd love to keep you on board! Call [client_telephone] to renew.

GoCardless Mandate Activation

Mandate for [contract_name] is pending activation. Please activate ASAP to avoid delays. [mandate_customer_approval]

Questions? Call [client_telephone]

Service Reminder - Single Property

Your [contract_name] service is due. Call [client_telephone] to book before [service_due_date].

Service Job Confirmation

Your [contract_name] service is due and ready to book. Book online or call [client_telephone].


Thanks, [client_name] Team

Letter Templates

Service Reminder - Single Property

Hello [service_contact],

It has been almost a year since [client_name] last serviced your appliance at [customer_address_line_1], [customer_postcode].

Your system is due for service on [service_due_date]. Regular servicing ensures efficiency and warranty compliance.

Call [client_telephone] to book today!

Service Reminder - Multiple Properties

Dear [contract_contact],

The following properties require servicing under the [contract_name] plan:


Please contact us at [client_telephone] to arrange these services.

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